Remote Deposit

Deposit checks from anywhere with DeposZip®
DeposZip Remote Deposit enables you to deposit checks into your HACU account whenever and from wherever you want. It's as simple as making a phone call or sending a picture to a friend.
Use the free DeposZip Mobile Remote Deposit app to make deposits using the camera in your iPhone®, iPod touch®, iPad®, or Android™ device. Or, choose DeposZip Remote Deposit to scan and upload check images from your computer for electronic deposit into your HACU account.
DeposZip is fast, convenient and easy to use.
- Safe and secure within My247 Digital Banking
- Easy to use with a smartphone or from a PC or Mac with scanner
- Email confirmation when deposits are processed or adjustments are needed
- Check copies are easily retrieved for up to 18 months on desktop and 6 months on mobile
DeposZip Remote Deposit is available to members via My247 Digital Banking or by downloading the free HACU Mobile App from iTunes App StoreSM for Apple or Google Play™ for Android.
Complete a Remote Deposit
- Endorse the back of each check and include the following:
- The words "For remote deposit only at HACU"
- Payee signature(s) matching the payee name(s) on the check
- The Account Number to which the check is being deposited
- Log on to My247 Digital Banking on your desktop or mobile device and select the DeposZip Widget
- Choose the account to which you would like the check credited
- Enter the total amount of the check(s) you are depositing
- Scan the front and back of the check or take a photo of the front and back using your smartphone
- Review and submit your deposit
DeposZip System Requirements